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Steve The Square

Unity | Oct 2020 - Jun 2021

My First Project

At the age of 12, I wanted nothing more than to create my own video game. Inspired by the Flash browser games of my childhood as well as platformers such as Super Mario Bros, I set out to learn game design. The only problem was that I had never written a line of code and at the time I didn't know anyone that could code. So I googled it and learned about Unity which is a platform where you can create games using C# (a programming language). I dove right into it and with the help of many Youtube tutorials and developer forums I finished my game. Looking back it's definitely not the greatest game I've ever created but I still think it's fun. Over this one year project I learned many fundamental concepts for programming. Today it serves as a reminder of my roots as a self-taught game developer.

What I learned

- Fundamentals of logic gates, loops and class based Inheritance

- Creating sound effects with everyday household objects

- Creating art and animations

- Navigating the Unity Editor

- Using VS Code

- Game design

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